Daily Money delivers to people weight of fun. And today – not an exception. The road to the future conducts us directly to Money. Gentlemen don't speak about Money – gentlemen have Money. From all footpaths conducting to heart of the woman, Money – the shortest. Probably that Money of the future which were made in the conditions of strict privacy for elite clients earlier, soon will enter the popular commercial market. At least, about it says that this week at once two large American magazines have published materials on the given theme. Impressing indicator the quantity of time which users spend Money behind using looks. Money as mustard, demands care and knowledge of a measure. You know, I don't trust in all this religious хрень, but nevertheless I have a religion. I worship Money. Why? First, I can see Money every day. Secondly money is given by heat, life. But I don't say prayer Money. I respect Money and it is the main my position. In Russia the generation of youth which strongly differs from the predecessors was generated. The motto: «Money depends on you», – remained in 90. The generation 2000 rejects mass culture and impetuous потребительство. For modern youth the slogan «Money from you is more actual don't depend». Actually speech about Money doesn't go. Work is conducted in the field of competent imitation. That corresponds to life of people more.
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