At the moment the Internet There are lots of hosting sites that offer their services for free. In many cases, free hosting is no different in their functionality from their fellow paid. Every month, a growing number of companies offering free hosting.Poetomu highly competitive market segment Dunn pushes us towards a more democratic and qualitative approach placing your projects on their hosting, to provide various services and options for free (PHP, MySQL, CGI / Perl, SSI, FTP).
Overview of free hosting:
• www.Ayola.net-Here is where you can host your site for free - PHP 5, MySQL 5 database, 250Mb disk space, unlimited traffic, the ability to automatically install and configure the content management system or foruma.Trebuetsya banner placement. There is an opportunity for dopolnitelnouyu payment empower hosting.
• www.ucoz.ru/-free hosting, you can not only try their hand at site building, but to do good and interesting site. To do this, you are given a large number of templates, website design, good selection of modules for your site and the opportunity to connect your domain. Its CMS though preclude the use of your PHP scripts and databases, but nevertheless allows you to create high-quality and modern site.
• www.Boom.mail.ru-free hosting for a simple site - 50 MB of disk space, FTP access, the lack of scripts and databases, advertising, protection of creating file archives, the ability to use on your website guestbook, voting counters, as well as other services Mail.ru.
• www.NewMail.ru-Free hosting with no banners - 32 MB, FTP access, no server-side scripting (PHP and ASP, etc.) except for pre-CGI scripts - Forum, Guestbook, Poll, Counter, mail form. There are serious restrictions on the place the information and the activity site.
• www.By.ru-Unlimited free hosting without ads and banners. Offers very attractive conditions for hosting sites, including the possibility to connect the second-level domain, however if you want to create a dynamic website briskly, then alas, the server-side scripting is no other than SSI, the database also absent.
• www.TUT.by-free Belarus hosting - Hosted by the Belarusian portal TUT.by offers consistently low hosting features - no scripts and databases.
• www.KM.ru-Free hosting for interesting projects - 50 MB to start (and then indefinitely), PHP, MySQL, CGI / Perl and SSI, FTP - will be available to you only if your project is interested in the administration of the resource, so that the service is definitely not for home pages. They are set a banner on your site.
• www.Hut.ru-good free hosting with PHP and MySQL - 100 MB to start, then can add as you like, you can connect a second-level domain, FTP, PHP, MySQL, Shell, Log files - this is practically a professional paid hosting, and just placing a banner on your site!